
Installing with conda

This installation method assumes that you have anaconda or miniconda installed. See the getting started and miniconda download page on the conda website.

Activate the conda-forge package repository:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Install libsemigroups:

conda install libsemigroups

From the sources

Building libsemigroups from the source files requires a C++ compiler supporting the C++14 standard, autoconf, and automake. Building the documentation from source has some additional requirements that are detailed here.

From the github repo

To build libsemigroups from the github repository:

git clone
cd libsemigroups
./ && ./configure && make -j8 && sudo make install

From a release archive

To build libsemigroups from a release archive:

curl -L -O
tar -xf libsemigroups-2.2.2.tar.gz
rm -f libsemigroups-2.2.2.tar.gz
cd libsemigroups-2.2.2
./configure && make -j8 && sudo make install


If you have Docker installed, you can download an x86 docker image for libsemigroups as follows:

docker pull libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker

or an arm docker image as follows

docker pull libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker-arm

and run it by doing

docker run --rm -it libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker
docker run --rm -it libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker-arm

If you want to use a specific version of libsemigroups, then use:

docker pull libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker:version-1.0.9
docker run --rm -it libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker:version-1.0.9

or, for the latest version, use:

docker pull libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker:latest
docker run --rm -it libsemigroups/libsemigroups-docker:latest

Configuration options

In addition to the usual autoconf configuration options, the following configuration options are available for libsemigroups:



enable code coverage support (default=no)


enable compiler warnings (default=no)


enable debug mode (default=no)


enable eigen (default=yes)


enable fmt (default=no)


enable HPCombi (default=yes)


enable statistics mode in ToddCoxeter (default=yes)


enable verbose mode (default=no)


do not use the included copy of fmt (default=no)


do not use the included copy of eigen (default=no)


do not use __builtin_popcountl (default=yes)


do not use __builtin_ctzll (default=yes)

Debug mode and verbose mode significantly degrade the performance of libsemigroups. Compiling with fmt enabled increases build times significantly. Note that the flags --enable-fmt and --with-external-fmt are independent of each other, and so both flags should be included to enable fmt and use an external fmt.

Make install

By default, make install installs the library and its pkg-config configuration into /usr/local. One can also specify another install location, say, /foo/bar, by calling ./configure with parameter --prefix, e.g. ./configure --prefix=/foo/bar. This might be useful if sudo is not available.

If you have pkg-config installed, it may be called to get libsemigroups’s version, location, etc (see its docs for details; this facility is used in GAP package Semigroups, which may be configured to use the external libsemigroups). For example,

pkg-config --modversion libsemigroups

will print the version of the installed libsemigroups, provided it is scanning configurations in the install location. For installation location unknown to pkg-config, one needs to add it to PKG_CONFIG_PATH (an environment variable). E.g. if it is /foo/bar as above then

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/foo/bar/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --modversion libsemigroups

will print the version of the installed libsemigroups. (As usual, PKG_CONFIG_PATH may be exported, added to shell configuration, etc.)

Building the documentation

The following are required to be able to build the documentation:

  1. python3

  2. doxygen

  3. the python packages: sphinx bs4 lxml breathe pyyaml sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx_copybutton sphinxcontrib-bibtex

Assuming you already have python3 install, on Mac OSX you can install all of the above by doing:

brew install doxygen sphinx
pip3 install -r docs/requirements

Then it ought to be possible to just run make doc in the libsemigroups directory.


If you find any problems with libsemigroups, or have any suggestions for features that you’d like to see, please use the issue tracker.